Document Type : Editorial article


Psychiatric Registrar, Sulaimani Mental Health Center, Sulaimani Teaching Hospital, Sulaimani Directorate of Health, 27 New St, Zone 209, Sulaimani - Kurdistan Region, Iraq


Vaccines are biological agents that provide immunity against certain diseases [1]. Vaccination is an effective technique for prevention of infection and control outbreak of a wide range of infectious diseases ( Several types of vaccines are available, including; live-attenuated, inactivated, messenger RNA (mRNA), toxoid, and viral vector, or in the form of subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, or conjugate vaccines [2]. Weill Hallé and Raymond Turpin used BCG vaccine on human for first time at 1921 [3]. The process of developing a new vaccine is very complex and takes around 11-19 years till marketing approval [4].


Main Subjects

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